Polar Park is located on the northern portion of the former Wyman-Gordon site. The triangular parcel is surrounded by Madison St. to the south, the CSX railroad to the north and west, Washington St. and Summit St. to the east and a northern terminus at the city-owned Pickett Municipal parking lot on Green St.
The City of Worcester and the Ball Club have agreed that the planning, design, development, and construction process shall be a cooperative, mutual endeavor in which the City and the Ball Club will work together and participate cooperatively in joint partnership in all phases of the process.
The Ball Club, as the party with experience in planning, designing, developing, and constructing baseball parks in urban environments, will take the lead in directing the development of the Ballpark Design Plan. Larry Lucchino and Janet Marie Smith are the foremost leaders in ballpark design in the country. They are responsible for the return of ballparks to urban environments after years of suburban relocation in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Their resumes include overseeing the construction of Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore, Petco Park in San Diego and the renovations to Fenway Park in Boston. They will bring their significant experience to the oversight of the Worcester ballpark.
The ballpark sits on 6 acres of land and has a capacity of 9,508 patrons.
The architecture, siting, and overall design of the ballpark pays considerable attention to the unique characteristics of the Canal District. The ballpark was designed to seamlessly fit into the Canal District and complement the existing feel of the area.